Rapid Recall

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A recall is the most important life skill you can teach your dog. It can save your dog’s life.
A recall is when I call my dog and he comes flying back, no matter what he was up to beforehand – chasing rabbits, playing ball, playing with other dogs, food, etc. A solid recall is one of the best exercises for a solid relationship between you and your dog

Course Content

Rapid Recall – Course
A recall is the most important life skill you can teach your dog It can save your dog's life. A recall is when I call my dog and he comes flying back, no matter what he was up to beforehand – chasing rabbits, playing ball, playing with other dogs, food, etc. A solid recall is one of the best exercises for a solid relationship between you and your dog Why? Because you will have the confidence to unclick that lead and allow your dog to explore, but still to come back when you call him And the dog can experience the world and explore it better than what he would if he were stuck on the lead the whole time We are trying to build a new neural pathway in the brain – hear mom call, and dog reacts instinctively by coming back. This however takes a lot of time and practice/repetitions. At least 400 repetitions are necessary for it to become a neural pathway in the brain We always treat the dog when he comes back – so that on day you don’t have a treat in an emergency situation, your dog will still come back. Keep the training sessions short. Don’t make it longer than 10 minutes at a time. Rather practice 5 minutes 3 to 4 times a day. Your dog will retain the information better. When you start the a next session/step, recap the previous session 2 to 3 times, just to let the dog remember what he learnt the previous time. Never recall your dog to punish them – they make the wrong association. Don’t keep repeating the word when calling your dog and he doesn’t come. It will become irrelevant again.

  • Lesson 1 – The Magic Word
  • Lesson 2 – Increase Distance
  • Lesson 3 – Scavenger Recall
  • Lesson 4 – Distractions
  • Lesson 5 – The Ultimate Goal
  • What now??

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